A downloadable game for Windows

Jungle is a two-player strategy where the goal is to capture the opponent's den by placing one of your pieces on it's square.

Each player has 8 eight pieces, each of one represents an animal. Every piece can move one square vertically or horizontally. These are the pieces:

Each piece has a different rank. A piece can only capture an opponent's piece of a rank equal or lower. A piece can not capture a piece of higher rank. The only exception to this rule is the rat, which can capture the elephant. At the same time, the elephant cannot capture the rat (you can change this rule in the game, though).

In the game there are two rivers. The pieces cannot move into the squares of the river except the rat. However, the lion and the tiger can jump over the river unless there's a rat in the middle of the jump. The rat cannot capture the elephant if it's coming out of the river.

The pieces cannot move into their own den.

In the adjacents squares of the den there are three traps. If a piece moves into the opponent's trap, it's rank becomes zero, so any opponent's piece could capture it. This doesn't apply to a piece moving to it's own trap.


jungle.zip 11 MB

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